2025 Premium Calculator

Based on your selections, an estimated monthly premium will be shown below.
Member Information
Additional Information

Retirement Information
Office Visits, Prescriptions and Other Expenses
On average, how many times per year do you (including dependents) go to the doctor?
Number of Prescriptions filled per year, at an average of $50 per prescription.
Annual dollar amount for other healthcare expenses (Lab, X-Ray, Hospital, Skilled Nursing, Etc.)
HSA and FSA Contributions
Enter your Healthcare Savings Account annual contributions.
Your Employer's annual Healthcare Savings Account annual contributions. The employer contribution to your HSA may be prorated while on leave no pay status.
Total Healthcare Savings Account annual contributions.
Total Flexible Spending Account annual contributions.
HSA and FSA Max Contributions
Max HSA Contributions
The Total HSA Contributions cannot exceed the limits shown in the table above for your type of coverage.
The Total FSA Contributions cannot exceed the limit shown above for all statuses.
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